It's the first day of August which means that it is only 18 more days until the first day of the fall semester and 16 days until I move into my new apartment! I have to say I am ready for fall classes to start so I can get some more structure in my life...
Speaking of structure my number one favorite thing this week is:
1. My Lily Pulitzer Jumbo Agenda in Trippin' and Slippin'
I am not a huge fan of Lily Pulitzer clothing because it is all a little too bright and busy for me. However, I cannot deny that Lily Pulitzer makes some amazing planners.
I am an Education major and I hold a position in my sorority which means I have to keep up with all kinds of different dates and deadlines. The jumbo planner is big enough that I have enough room to write everything out, however, it is not too big that it is a hinderance to take it with me.
I love the fact that is has a hardcover and comes with little save the date stickers for a variety of occasions, and while I don't see myself decking out in head to toe Lily anytime soon, I can see myself carrying around these planners for awhile!

If I could make Co-Optitude my favorite every single week I definitely would because I am absolutely obsessed with it. In this YouTube show on Geek and Sundry, Felicia Day and her brother Ryon Day play various video games with varying degrees of success.
It comes out every single Monday and it is absolutely hilarious, so I highly recommend you check it out. Their sibling banter reminds me of long nights with my little sisters yelling at each other and the tv while playing Donkey Kong Country on the SNES.
3. Crunchyroll
Now I have been out of the anime game for quite some time lately. With all of my schoolwork, sorority things, and general life I haven't really been able to keep up a regular anime schedule like I used to be able to when I was in high school. Lately, I have found myself wanting to get back into anime and I have been loving the Crunchyroll free trial.
Crunchyroll is basically Netflix for anime, which is great since Netflix lost a good portion of its anime awhile back (bring back Mushishi ;_;). It's a little under $7 per month for a HUGE selection of anime, which is nice because I get to watch it on my tv (with the PS3 app) and I get to go at my own pace instead of having to search a million years for links to slow streaming spam filled sites on the internet.
Shows I am Currently Watching: Attack On Titan
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